Application Configuration

Much of the Dataverse Application configuration is done by the automated installer (described above). This section documents the additional configuration tasks that need to be done after you run the installer.

Dataverse Admin Account

Now that you’ve run the application installer and have your own Dataverse instance, you need to configure the Dataverse Administrator user. By default installer pre-sets the Admin credentials as follows:

First Name: Dataverse
Last Name:  Admin
Position: Admin

Log in as the user dataverseAdmin with the password “admin” and change these values to suit your installation.

(Alteratively, you can modify the file dvinstall/data/user-admin.json in the installer bundle before you run the installer. The password is in dvinstall/, which references this JSON file.)

Solr Configuration

Dataverse requires a specific Solr schema file called schema.xml that can be found in the Dataverse distribution. It should replace the default example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml file that ships with Solr.

If WARN  org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser  HttpParser Full for / appears in the Solr log, adding <Set name="requestHeaderSize">8192</Set> (or a higher number of bytes) to Solr’s jetty.xml in the section matching the XPath expression //Call[@name='addConnector']/Arg/New[@class=''] may resolve the issue. See also

Solr Security

Solr must be firewalled off from all hosts except the server(s) running Dataverse. Otherwise, any host that can reach the Solr port (8983 by default) can add or delete data, search unpublished data, and even reconfigure Solr. For more information, please see



Specify a URL where users can read your Privacy Policy.

curl -X PUT -d http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl


Upload a text file containing the API Terms of Use.

curl -X PUT -d@/tmp/api-tos.txt http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:ApiTermsOfUse


Set SolrHostColonPort to override localhost:8983.

curl -X PUT -d localhost:8983 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SolrHostColonPort


Set SearchHighlightFragmentSize to override the default value of 100 from

curl -X PUT -d 320 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SearchHighlightFragmentSize


This setting is experimental per Shibboleth.


Set MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes to “2147483648”, for example, to limit the size of files uploaded to 2 GB. Notes: - For SWORD, this size is limited by the Java Integer.MAX_VALUE of 2,147,483,647. (see: - If the MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes is NOT set, uploads, including SWORD may be of unlimited size.

curl -X PUT -d 2147483648 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes


Set GuidesBaseUrl to override the default value “”.

curl -X PUT -d http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:GuidesBaseUrl

JVM Options


If the Dataverse server has multiple DNS names, this option specifies the one to be used as the “official” host name. For example, you may want to have, and not the less appealling to appear exclusively in all the registered global identifiers, Data Deposit API records, etc.

To change the option on the command line:

asadmin delete-jvm-options ""

asadmin create-jvm-options ""

The dataverse.fqdn JVM option also affects the password reset feature.

Do note that whenever the system needs to form a service URL, by default, it will be formed with https:// and port 443. I.e.,
If that does not suit your setup, you can define an additional option -


and specify the alternative protocol and port number.
For example, configured in domain.xml:


Set the dataverse.auth.password-reset-timeout-in-minutes option if you’d like to override the default value put into place by the installer.

Dropbox Configuration

  • Add JVM option in the domain.xml:

asadmin create-jvm-options "-Ddataverse.dropbox.key=<Enter your dropbox key here>"

The guide is intended for anyone who needs to install the Dataverse app.

If you encounter any problems during installation, please contact the development team at or our Dataverse Users Community.