Dataverse 4.0 exposes most of its GUI functionality via a REST-based API. Some API calls do not require authentication. Calls that do require authentication require the user’s API key. That key can be passed either via an extra query parameter, key, as in ENPOINT?key=API_KEY, or via the HTTP header X-Dataverse-key. Note that while the header option normally requires more work on client side, it is considered safer, as the API key is not logged in the server access logs.
Dataverse 4.0’s API is versioned at the URI - all API calls may include the version number like so: http://server-address//api/v1/.... Omitting the v1 part would default to the latest API version (currently 1). When writing scripts/applications that will be used for a long time, make sure to specify the API version, so they don’t break when the API is upgraded.
Generates a new dataverse under $id. Expects a json content describing the dataverse. If $id is omitted, a root dataverse is created. $id can either be a dataverse id (long) or a dataverse alias (more robust).
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id?key=$apiKey
View data about the dataverse identified by $id. $id can be the id number of the dataverse, its alias, or the special value :root.
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id
Deletes the dataverse whose ID is given:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id?key=$apiKey
Lists all the DvObjects under dataverse id.
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/contents
All the roles defined directly in the dataverse identified by id:
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/roles?key=$apiKey
List all the facets for a given dataverse id.
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/facets?key=$apiKey
Creates a new role under dataverse id. Needs a json file with the role description:
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/roles?key=$apiKey
List all the role assignments at the given dataverse:
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/assignments?key=$apiKey
Assigns a new role, based on the POSTed JSON.
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/assignments?key=$apiKey
POSTed JSON example:
"assignee": "@uma",
"role": "curator"
Delete the assignment whose id is $id:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/assignments/$id?key=$apiKey
Get the metadata blocks defined on the passed dataverse:
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/metadatablocks?key=$apiKey
Sets the metadata blocks of the dataverse. Makes the dataverse a metadatablock root. The query body is a JSON array with a list of metadatablocks identifiers (either id or name).
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/metadatablocks?key=$apiKey
Get whether the dataverse is a metadata block root, or does it uses its parent blocks:
GET http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/metadatablocks/:isRoot?key=$apiKey
Set whether the dataverse is a metadata block root, or does it uses its parent blocks. Possible values are true and false (both are valid JSON expressions).
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/metadatablocks/:isRoot?key=$apiKey
Create a new dataset in dataverse id. The post data is a Json object, containing the dataset fields and an initial dataset version, under the field of "datasetVersion". The initial versions version number will be set to 1.0, and its state will be set to DRAFT regardless of the content of the json object. Example json can be found at data/dataset-create-new.json.
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/datasets/?key=$apiKey
Publish the Dataverse pointed by identifier, which can either by the dataverse alias or its numerical id.
POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$identifier/actions/:publish?key=$apiKey
Note Creation of new datasets is done by ``POST``ing them onto dataverses. See dataverse section.
Note In all commands below, dataset versions can be referred to as:
Show the dataset whose id is passed:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id?key=$apiKey
Delete the dataset whose id is passed:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id?key=$apiKey
List versions of the dataset:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions?key=$apiKey
Show a version of the dataset. The Dataset also include any metadata blocks the data might have:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/$versionNumber?key=$apiKey
Lists all the file metadata, for the given dataset and version:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/$versionId/files?key=$apiKey
Lists all the metadata blocks and their content, for the given dataset and version:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/$versionId/metadata?key=$apiKey
Lists the metadata block block named blockname, for the given dataset and version:
GET http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/$versionId/metadata/$blockname?key=$apiKey
Updates the current draft version of dataset $id. If the dataset does not have an draft version - e.g. when its most recent version is published, a new draft version is created. The invariant is - after a successful call to this command, the dataset has a DRAFT version with the passed data. The request body is a dataset version, in json format.
PUT http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/:draft?key=$apiKey
Publishes the dataset whose id is passed. The new dataset version number is determined by the most recent version number and the type parameter. Passing type=minor increases the minor version number (2.3 is updated to 2.4). Passing type=major increases the major version number (2.3 is updated to 3.0):
POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/actions/:publish?type=$type&key=$apiKey
Deletes the draft version of dataset $id. Only the draft version can be deleted:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/versions/:draft?key=$apiKey
This endopint deals with users of the built-in authentication provider. Note that users may come from other authentication services as well, such as Shibboleth. For this service to work, the setting BuiltinUsers.KEY has to be set, and its value passed as key to each of the calls.
Generates a new user. Data about the user are posted via JSON. Note that the password is passed as a parameter in the query.
POST http://$SERVER/api/builtin-users?password=$password&key=$key
Gets the API token of the user, given the password.
GET http://$SERVER/api/builtin-users/$username/api-token?password=$password
Creates a new role in dataverse object whose Id is dataverseIdtf (that’s an id/alias):
POST http://$SERVER/api/roles?dvo=$dataverseIdtf&key=$apiKey
Shows the role with id:
GET http://$SERVER/api/roles/$id
Deletes the role with id:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/roles/$id
Explicit groups list their members explicitly. These groups are defined in dataverses, which is why their API endpoint is under api/dvn/$id/, where $id is the id of the dataverse.
Create a new explicit group under dataverse $id:
POST http://$server/api/dataverses/$id/groups
Data being POSTed is json-formatted description of the group:
"description":"Describe the group here",
"displayName":"Close Collaborators",
List explicit groups under dataverse $id:
GET http://$server/api/dataverses/$id/groups
Show group $groupAlias under dataverse $dv:
GET http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias
Update group $groupAlias under dataverse $dv. The request body is the same as the create group one, except that the group alias cannot be changed. Thus, the field aliasInOwner is ignored.
PUT http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias
Delete group $groupAlias under dataverse $dv:
DELETE http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias
Bulk add role assignees to an explicit group. The request body is a JSON array of role assignee identifiers, such as @admin, &ip/localhosts or :authenticated-users:
POST http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias/roleAssignees
Add a single role assignee to a group. Request body is ignored:
PUT http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias/roleAssignees/$roleAssigneeIdentifier
Remove a single role assignee from an explicit group:
DELETE http://$server/api/dataverses/$dv/groups/$groupAlias/roleAssignees/$roleAssigneeIdentifier
Lists brief info about all metadata blocks registered in the system:
GET http://$SERVER/api/metadatablocks
Return data about the block whose identifier is passed. identifier can either be the block’s id, or its name:
GET http://$SERVER/api/metadatablocks/$identifier
This is the administrative part of the API. It is probably a good idea to block it before allowing public access to a Dataverse installation. Blocking can be done using settings. See the script in the scripts/api folder for details.
List all settings:
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/settings
Sets setting name to the body of the request:
PUT http://$SERVER/api/admin/settings/$name
Get the setting under name:
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/settings/$name
Delete the setting under name:
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/admin/settings/$name
List the authentication provider factories. The alias field of these is used while configuring the providers themselves.
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviderFactories
List all the authentication providers in the system (both enabled and disabled):
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviders
Add new authentication provider. The POST data is in JSON format, similar to the JSON retrieved from this command’s GET counterpart.
POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviders
Show data about an authentication provider:
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviders/$id
Enable or disable an authentication provider (denoted by id):
POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviders/$id/:enabled
The body of the request should be either true or false. Content type has to be application/json, like so:
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d"false" http://localhost:8080/api/admin/authenticationProviders/echo-dignified/:enabled
Deletes an authentication provider from the system. The command succeeds even if there is no such provider, as the postcondition holds: there is no provider by that id after the command returns.
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/admin/authenticationProviders/$id/
List all global roles in the system.
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/roles
Creates a global role in the Dataverse installation. The data POSTed are assumed to be a role JSON.
POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/roles
Toggles superuser mode on the AuthenticatedUser whose identifier is passed.
POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/superuser/$identifier
List all the ip groups:
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/groups/ip
Adds a new ip group. POST data should specify the group in JSON format. Examples are available at data/ipGroup1.json.
POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/groups/ip
Returns a the group in a JSON format. groupIdtf can either be the group id in the database (in case it is numeric), or the group alias.
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/groups/ip/$groupIdtf
Deletes the group specified by groupIdtf. groupIdtf can either be the group id in the database (in case it is numeric), or the group alias. Note that a group can be deleted only if there are no roles assigned to it.
DELETE http://$SERVER/api/admin/groups/ip/$groupIdtf
The Saved Search, Linked Dataverses, and Linked Datasets features shipped with Dataverse 4.0, but as a “superuser-only” because they are experimental (see #1364, #1813, #1840, #1890, #1939, #2167, #2186, #2053, and #2543). The following API endpoints were added to help people with access to the “admin” API make use of these features in their current form. Of particular interest should be the “makelinks” endpoint because it needs to be called periodically (via cron or similar) to find new dataverses and datasets that match the saved search and then link the search results to the dataverse in which the saved search is defined (#2531 shows an example). There is a known issue (#1364) that once a link to a dataverse or dataset is created, it cannot be removed (apart from database manipulation and reindexing) which is why a DELETE endpoint for saved searches is neither documented nor functional. The Linked Dataverses feature is powered by Saved Search and therefore requires that the “makelinks” endpoint be executed on a periodic basis as well.
List all saved searches.
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/savedsearches/list
List a saved search by database id.
GET http://$SERVER/api/admin/savedsearches/$id
Execute a saved search by database id and make links to dataverses and datasets that are found. The JSON response indicates which dataverses and datasets were newly linked versus already linked. The debug=true query parameter adds to the JSON response extra information about the saved search being executed (which you could also get by listing the saved search).
PUT http://$SERVER/api/admin/savedsearches/makelinks/$id?debug=true
Execute all saved searches and make links to dataverses and datasets that are found. debug works as described above.
PUT http://$SERVER/api/admin/savedsearches/makelinks/all?debug=true