Metrics API


CORS The Metrics API can be used from scripts running in web browsers, as it allows cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).


For all metrics besides Past Days Count (/pastDays/$days), Database setting MetricsCacheTimeoutMinutes defines how long the cached value will be returned by subsequent queries.


Returns a count of various objects in dataverse over all-time:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl


Returns a count of various objects in dataverse up to a specified month $YYYY-DD in YYYY-MM format (i.e. 2018-01):

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/toMonth/$YYYY-DD

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl

Past Days

Returns a count of various objects in dataverse for the past $days (i.e. 30):

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/pastDays/$days

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl

Dataverse Specific Commands

By Subject

Returns the number of dataverses by each subject:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/bySubject

By Category

Returns the number of dataverses by each category:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/byCategory

Dataset Specific Commands

By Subject

Returns the number of datasets by each subject:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/datasets/bySubject