Now that you’ve successfully logged into Dataverse with a superuser account after going through a basic Installation, you’ll need to secure and configure your installation.
Settings within Dataverse itself are managed via JVM options or by manipulating values in the setting table directly or through API calls. Configuring Solr requires manipulating XML files.
Once you have finished securing and configuring your Dataverse installation, proceed to the Administration section. Advanced configuration topics are covered in the R, rApache and TwoRavens and Shibboleth sections.
The Native API contains a useful but potentially dangerous API endpoint called “admin” that allows you to change system settings, make ordinary users into superusers, and more. There is a “test” API endpoint used for development and troubleshooting that has some potentially dangerous methods. The builtin-users endpoint lets people create a local/builtin user account if they know the BuiltinUsers.KEY value described below.
By default, all APIs can be operated on remotely and without the need for any authentication. was opened to explore changing these defaults, but until then it is very important to block both the “admin” and “test” endpoint (and at least consider blocking builtin-users). For details please see also the section on :BlockedApiPolicy below.
To avoid having your users send credentials in the clear, it’s strongly recommended to force all web traffic to go through HTTPS (port 443) rather than HTTP (port 80). The ease with which one can install a valid SSL cert into Apache compared with the same operation in Glassfish might be a compelling enough reason to front Glassfish with Apache. In addition, Apache can be configured to rewrite HTTP to HTTPS with rules such as those found at or in the section on Shibboleth.
The Prerequisites section explained that Dataverse requires a specific Solr schema file called schema.xml that can be found in the Dataverse distribution. You should have already replaced the default example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml file that ships with Solr.
Stop Solr and edit solr-4.6.0/example/etc/jetty.xml to add a line having to do with requestHeaderSize as follows:
<Call name="addConnector">
<New class="">
<Set name="host"><SystemProperty name="" /></Set>
<Set name="port"><SystemProperty name="jetty.port" default="8983"/></Set>
<Set name="maxIdleTime">50000</Set>
<Set name="lowResourceMaxIdleTime">1500</Set>
<Set name="statsOn">false</Set>
<Set name="requestHeaderSize">102400</Set>
Without this requestHeaderSize line in place, which increases the default size, it will appear that no data has been added to your Dataverse installation and WARN org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser – HttpParser Full for / will appear in the Solr log. See also
The need to redirect port HTTP (port 80) to HTTPS (port 443) for security has already been mentioned above and the fact that Glassfish puts these services on 8080 and 8181, respectively, was touched on in the Installation section. You have a few options that basically boil down to if you want to introduce Apache into the mix or not. If you need Shibboleth support you need Apache and you should proceed directly to that doc for guidance on fronting Glassfish with Apache.
If you don’t want to front Glassfish with a proxy such as Apache or nginx, you will need to configure Glassfish to run HTTPS on 443 like this:
asadmin set
Most likely you’ll want to put a valid cert into Glassfish, which is certainly possible but out of scope for this guide.
What about port 80? Even if you don’t front Dataverse with Apache, you may want to let Apache run on port 80 just to rewrite HTTP to HTTPS as described above. You can use a similar command as above to change the HTTP port that Glassfish uses from 8080 to 80 (substitute http-listener-1.port=80). Glassfish can be used to enforce HTTPS on its own without Apache, but configuring this is an exercise for the reader. Answers here may be helpful:
The user who creates a dataverse is given the “Admin” role on that dataverse. The root dataverse is created automatically for you by the installer and the “Admin” is the superuser account (“dataverseAdmin”) we used in the Installation section to confirm that we can log in. These next steps of configuring the root dataverse require the “Admin” role on the root dataverse, but not the much more powerful superuser attribute. In short, users with the “Admin” role are subject to the permission system. A superuser, on the other hand, completely bypasses the permission system. You can give non-superusers the “Admin” role on the root dataverse if you’d like them to configure the root dataverse.
In order for non-superusers to start creating dataverses or datasets, you need click “Edit” then “Permissions” and make choices about which users can add dataverses or datasets within the root dataverse. (There is an API endpoint for this operation as well.) Again, the user who creates a dataverse will be granted the “Admin” role on that dataverse.
Non-superusers who are not “Admin” on the root dataverse will not be able to to do anything useful until the root dataverse has been published.
Persistent identifiers are a required and integral part of the Dataverse platform. They provide a URL that is guaranteed to resolve to the datasets they represent. Dataverse currently supports creating identifiers using DOI and additionally displaying identifiers created using HDL. By default and for testing convenience, the installer configures a temporary DOI test namespace through EZID. This is sufficient to create and publish datasets but they are not citable nor guaranteed to be preserved. To properly configure persistent identifiers for a production installation, an account and associated namespace must be acquired for a fee from one of two DOI providers: EZID ( or DataCite ( Once account credentials and DOI namespace have been acquired, please complete the following identifier configuration parameters:
JVM Options: doi.baseurlstring, doi.username, doi.password
Database Settings: :DoiProvider, :Protocol, :Authority, :DoiSeparator
Please note that any datasets creating using the test configuration cannot be directly migrated and would need to be created again once a valid DOI namespace is configured.
As the person installing Dataverse you may or may not be local metadata expert. You may want to have others sign up for accounts and grant them the “Admin” role at the root dataverse to configure metadata fields, browse/search facets, templates, guestbooks, etc. For more on these topics, consult the Dataverse Management section of the User Guide.
Once this configuration is complete, your Dataverse installation should be ready for users to start playing with it. That said, there are many more configuration options available, which will be explained below.
JVM stands Java Virtual Machine and as a Java application, Glassfish can read JVM options when it is started. A number of JVM options are configured by the installer below is a complete list of the Dataverse-specific JVM options. You can inspect the configured options by running ``asadmin list-jvm-options | egrep ‘dataverse|doi’ ``.
When changing values these values with asadmin, you’ll need to delete the old value before adding a new one, like this:
asadmin delete-jvm-options ""
asadmin create-jvm-options ""
It’s also possible to change these values by stopping Glassfish, editing glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml, and restarting Glassfish.
If the Dataverse server has multiple DNS names, this option specifies the one to be used as the “official” host name. For example, you may want to have, and not the less appealling to appear exclusively in all the registered global identifiers, Data Deposit API records, etc.
The password reset feature requires dataverse.fqdn to be configured.
This is how you configure the path to which files uploaded by users are stored.
Users have 60 minutes to change their passwords by default. You can adjust this value here.
Configuration for R, rApache and TwoRavens.
Configuration for R, rApache and TwoRavens.
Configuration for R, rApache and TwoRavens.
Configuration for R, rApache and TwoRavens.
Configuration for R, rApache and TwoRavens.
Dropbox integration is optional. Enter your key here.
For overriding the default path to the convert binary from ImageMagick (/usr/bin/convert).
For limiting the size of thumbnail images generated from files.
For limiting the size of thumbnail images generated from files.
As of this writing “” and “” are the only valid values. See also these related database settings below:
Used in conjuction with doi.baseurlstring.
Used in conjuction with doi.baseurlstring.
For Handle support (not fully developed).
For Handle support (not fully developed).
These settings are stored in the setting table but can be read and modified via the “admin” endpoint of the Native API for easy scripting.
The most commonly used configuration options are listed first.
Out of the box, all API endpoints are completely open as mentioned in the section on security above. It is highly recommend that you choose one of the policies below and also configure :BlockedApiEndpoints.
curl -X PUT -d localhost-only http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiEndpoints
A comma separated list of API endpoints to be blocked. For a production installation, “admin” and “test” should be blocked (and perhaps “builtin-users” as well), as mentioned in the section on security above:
curl -X PUT -d "admin,test,builtin-users" http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiEndpoints
See the API Guide for a list of API endpoints.
Used in conjunction with the :BlockedApiPolicy being set to unblock-key. When calling blocked APIs, add a query parameter of unblock-key=theKeyYouChose to use the key.
curl -X PUT -d s3kretKey http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiKey
The key required to create users via API as documented at Native API. Unlike other database settings, this one doesn’t start with a colon.
curl -X PUT -d builtInS3kretKey http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BuiltinUsers.KEY
This is the email address that “system” emails are sent from such as password reset links.
curl -X PUT -d "Support <>" http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SystemEmail
As of this writing “EZID” and “DataCite” are the only valid options.
curl -X PUT -d EZID http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DoiProvider
As of this writing “doi” is the only valid option for the protocol for a persistent ID.
curl -X PUT -d doi http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:Protocol
Use the DOI authority assigned to you by your DoiProvider.
curl -X PUT -d 10.xxxx http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:Authority
It is recommended that you keep this as a slash (“/”).
curl -X PUT -d "/" http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DoiSeparator
Upload an HTML file containing the Terms of Use to be displayed at sign up. Supported HTML tags are listed under the Dataset + File Management section of the User Guide.
curl -X PUT -d@/tmp/apptou.html http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:ApplicationTermsOfUse
Unfortunately, in most cases, the text file will probably be too big to upload (>1024 characters) due to a bug. A workaround has been posted to
Specify a URL where users can read your Privacy Policy, linked from the bottom of the page.
curl -X PUT -d http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl
Specify a URL where users can read your API Terms of Use.
curl -X PUT -d http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:ApiTermsOfUse
Set GuidesBaseUrl to override the default value “”. If you are interested in writing your own version of the guides, you may find the Documentation section of the Developer Guide helpful.
curl -X PUT -d http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:GuidesBaseUrl
For dynamically adding information to the top of every page. For example, “For testing only...” at the top of is set with this:
curl -X PUT -d "For testing only..." http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:StatusMessageHeader
Set MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes to “2147483648”, for example, to limit the size of files uploaded to 2 GB. Notes: - For SWORD, this size is limited by the Java Integer.MAX_VALUE of 2,147,483,647. (see: - If the MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes is NOT set, uploads, including SWORD may be of unlimited size.
curl -X PUT -d 2147483648 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes
Threshold in bytes for limiting whether or not “ingest” it attempted for tabular files (which can be resource intensive). For example, with the below in place, files greater than 2 GB in size will not go through the ingest process:
curl -X PUT -d 2000000000 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:TabularIngestSizeLimit
(You can set this value to 0 to prevent files from being ingested at all.)
You can overide this global setting on a per-format basis for the following formats:
For example, if you want your installation of Dataverse to not attempt to ingest Rdata files larger that 1 MB, use this setting:
curl -X PUT -d 1000000 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:TabularIngestSizeLimit:Rdata
Limit the number of files in a zip that Dataverse will accept.
For setting up Google Analytics for your Dataverse installation.
By default Dataverse will attempt to connect to Solr on port 8983 on localhost. Use this setting to change the hostname or port.
curl -X PUT -d localhost:8983 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SolrHostColonPort
The relative path URL to which users will be sent after signup. The default setting is below.
curl -X PUT -d true /dataverseuser.xhtml?editMode=CREATE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SignUpUrl
The location of your TwoRavens installation. Activation of TwoRavens also requires the setting below, TwoRavensTabularView
Set TwoRavensTabularView to true to allow a user to view tabular files via the TwoRavens application. This boolean affects whether a user will see the “Explore” button.
curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:TwoRavensTabularView
Set GeoconnectCreateEditMaps to true to allow the user to create GeoConnect Maps. This boolean effects whether the user sees the map button on the dataset page and if the ingest will create a shape file.
curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:GeoconnectCreateEditMaps
Set GeoconnectViewMaps to true to allow a user to view existing maps. This boolean effects whether a user will see the “Explore” button.
curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:GeoconnectViewMaps
For Development only. Set GeoconnectDebug to true to allow a user to see SQL that can be used to insert mock map data into the database.
curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:GeoconnectDebug
Set custom text a user will view when publishing a dataset.
curl -X PUT -d "Deposit License Requirements" http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DatasetPublishPopupCustomText
Set whether a user will see the custom text when publishing all versions of a dataset
curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DatasetPublishPopupCustomTextOnAllVersions
Set SearchHighlightFragmentSize to override the default value of 100 from . In practice, a value of “320” seemed to fix the issue at
curl -X PUT -d 320 http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SearchHighlightFragmentSize
Allow for migration of non-conformant data (especially dates) from DVN 3.x to Dataverse 4.
This setting is experimental per Shibboleth.
Set to false to disallow local accounts to be created if you are using Shibboleth but not for production use until has been fixed.