Development Environment



This guide assumes you are using a Mac. With some tweaks, it’s not hard to get a dev environment set up on Linux. If you are using Windows, you might have the most success using Vagrant, which is listed under the Tools section.



Dataverse is developed on Java 8.

The use of Oracle’s version of Java is recommended, which can be downloaded from

The version of OpenJDK available from package managers from common Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Fedora is probably sufficient for small changes as well as day to day development.


As a Java Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) application, Dataverse requires an applications server to run.

Glassfish 4.1 is required (not any earlier or later versions until is resolved), which can be downloaded from . If you have downloaded Glassfish as part of a Netbeans bundle, you can manually add the proper version by clicking “Tools”, “Servers”, “Add Server”.

By default, Glassfish reports analytics information. The administration guide suggests this can be disabled with asadmin create-jvm-options, should this be found to be undesirable for development purposes.


PostgreSQL 9.x is required and can be downloaded from


Dataverse depends on Solr for browsing and search.

Solr 4.6.0 is the only version that has been tested extensively and is recommended in development. Download and configuration instructions can be found below. An upgrade to newer versions of Solr is being tracked at


A command-line tool called curl ( ) is required by the setup scripts and it is useful to have curl installed when working on APIs.


A command-line tool called jq ( ) is required by the setup scripts.

If you are already using brew, apt-get, or yum, you can install jq that way. Otherwise, download the binary for your platform from and make sure it is in your $PATH (/usr/bin/jq is fine) and executable with sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/jq.


Mac OS X

The setup of a Dataverse development environment assumes the presence of a Unix shell (i.e. bash) so an operating system with Unix underpinnings such as Mac OS X or Linux is recommended. (The development team at IQSS has standardized Mac OS X.) Windows users are encouraged to install Cygwin.


While developers are welcome to use any editor or IDE they wish, Netbeans 8+ is recommended because it is free of cost, works cross platform, has good support for Java EE projects, and happens to be the IDE that the development team at IQSS has standardized on.

NetBeans can be downloaded from Please make sure that you use an option that contains the Jave EE features when choosing your download bundle. While using the installer you might be prompted about installing JUnit and Glassfish. There is no need to reinstall Glassfish, but it is recommended that you install JUnit.

This guide will assume you are using Netbeans for development.

Additional Tools

Please see also the Tools page, which lists additional tools that very useful but not essential.

Setting Up Your Dev Environment

Set Up SSH Keys

You can use git with passwords over HTTPS, but it’s much nicer to set up SSH keys. is the place to manage the ssh keys GitHub knows about for you. That page also links to a nice howto:

From the terminal, ssh-keygen will create new ssh keys for you:

  • private key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa - It is very important to protect your private key. If someone else acquires it, they can access private repositories on GitHub and make commits as you! Ideally, you’ll store your ssh keys on an encrypted volume and protect your private key with a password when prompted for one by ssh-keygen. See also “Why do passphrases matter” at
  • public key: ~/.ssh/ - After you’ve created your ssh keys, add the public key to your GitHub account.

Clone Project from GitHub

Before cloning the repo, you are invited to read about our branching strategy in the Version Control section but we’ll explain the basics here.

Cloning the Project from Netbeans

From NetBeans, click “Team” then “Remote” then “Clone”. Under “Repository URL”, enter the “ssh clone URL” for your fork (if you do not have push access to the repo under IQSS) or (if you do have push access to the repo under IQSS). See also

Cloning the Project from the Terminal

If you prefer using git from the command line, you can clone the project from a terminal and later open the project in Netbeans.

If you do not have push access to clone your fork:

git clone[your GitHub user or organization]/dataverse.git

If you do have push access to clone it:

git clone

Building the WAR File

Soon, we’ll be running the Dataverse installer, but before we do, we must build the Dataverse application, which is delivered as a “WAR” file. WAR stands for “Web application ARchive” and you can read more about this packaging format at

The first time you build the war file, it may take a few minutes while dependencies are downloaded from Maven Central.

We’ll describe below how to build the WAR file from both Netbean and the terminal, but in both cases, you’ll want to see the output “BUILD SUCCESS”.

Building the War File from Netbeans

From Netbeans, click “Run” and then “Build Project (dataverse)”.

Building the War File from the Terminal

After cloning the git repo, you need to cd into dataverse and run mvn package. If you don’t have the mvn command available to you, you need to install Maven, which is mentioned in the Tools section.

Installing and Running Solr

A Dataverse-specific schema.xml configuration file (described below) is required.

Download solr-4.6.0.tgz from to any directory you like but in the example below, we have downloaded the tarball to a directory called “solr” in our home directory. For now we are using the “example” template but we are replacing schema.xml with our own. We will also assume that the clone on the Dataverse repository was retrieved using NetBeans and that it is saved in the path ~/NetBeansProjects.

  • cd ~/solr
  • tar xvfz solr-4.6.0.tgz
  • cd solr-4.6.0/example
  • cp ~/NetBeansProjects/dataverse/conf/solr/4.6.0/schema.xml solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml
  • java -jar start.jar

Please note: If you prefer, once the proper schema.xml file is in place, you can simply double-click “start.jar” rather that running java -jar start.jar from the command line. Figuring out how to stop Solr after double-clicking it is an exercise for the reader.

Once Solr is up and running you should be able to see a “Solr Admin” dashboard at http://localhost:8983/solr

Once some dataverses, datasets, and files have been created and indexed, you can experiment with searches directly from Solr at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/query and look at the JSON output of searches, such as this wildcard search: http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*%3A*&wt=json&indent=true . You can also get JSON output of static fields Solr knows about: http://localhost:8983/solr/schema/fields

Run Installer

Please note the following:

  • If you have trouble with the SMTP server, consider editing the installer script to disable the SMTP check.
  • Rather than running the installer in “interactive” mode, it’s possible to put the values in a file. See “non-interactive mode” in the Installation section of the Installation Guide.

Now that you have all the prerequisites in place, you need to configure the environment for the Dataverse app - configure the database connection, set some options, etc. We have an installer script that should do it all for you. Again, assuming that the clone on the Dataverse repository was retrieved using NetBeans and that it is saved in the path ~/NetBeansProjects:

cd ~/NetBeansProjects/dataverse/scripts/installer


The script will prompt you for some configuration values. It is recommended that you choose “localhost” for your hostname if this is a development environment. For everything else it should be safe to accept the defaults.

The script is a variation of the old installer from DVN 3.x that calls another script that runs asadmin commands. A serious advantage of this approach is that you should now be able to safely run the installer on an already configured system.

All the future changes to the configuration that are Glassfish-specific and can be done through asadmin should now go into scripts/install/

FIXME: Add a “dev” mode to the installer to allow REST Assured tests to be run. For now, refer to the steps in the Testing section.

Iterating on Code and Redeploying

Deploy on Save

Out of the box, Netbeans is configured to “Deploy on Save” which means that if you save any changes to project files such as Java classes, XHTML files, or “bundle” files (i.e., the project is recompiled and redeployed to Glassfish automatically. This behavior works well for many of us but if you don’t like it, you can turn it off by right-clicking “dataverse” under the Projects tab, clicking “Run” and unchecking “Deploy on Save”.

Deploying Manually

For developers not using Netbeans, or deploying to a non-local system for development, code can be deployed manually. There are four steps to this process:

  1. Build the war file: mvn package
  2. Undeploy the Dataverse application (if necessary): asadmin undeploy dataverse-VERSION
  3. Copy the war file to the development server (if necessary)
  4. Deploy the new code: asadmin deploy /path/to/dataverse-VERSION.war

The Installation section of the Installation Guide has more information on this topic.

Netbeans Connector Chrome Extension

For faster iteration while working on JSF pages, it is highly recommended that you install the Netbeans Connector Chrome Extension listed in the Tools section. When you save XHTML or CSS files, you will see the changes immediately.


We’ve described above the “happy path” of when everything goes right with setting up your Dataverse development environment. Here are some common problems and solutions for when things go wrong.

context-root in glassfish-web.xml Munged by Netbeans

For unknown reasons, Netbeans will sometimes change the following line under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml:


Sometimes Netbeans will change / to /dataverse. Sometimes it will delete the line entirely. Either way, you will see very strange behavior when attempting to click around Dataverse in a browser. The home page will load but icons will be missing. Any other page will fail to load entirely and you’ll see a Glassfish error.

The solution is to put the file back to how it was before Netbeans touched it. If anyone knows of an open Netbeans bug about this, please let us know.

Configuring / Troubleshooting Mail Host

Out of the box, no emails will be sent from your development environment. This is because you have to set the :SystemEmail setting and make sure you’ve configured your SMTP correctly.

You can configure :SystemEmail like this:

curl -X PUT -d 'Davisverse SWAT Team <>' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SystemEmail

Unfortunately for developers not at Harvard, the installer script gives you by default an SMTP server of but you can specify an alternative SMTP server when you run the installer.

You can check the current SMTP server with the asadmin command:

asadmin get server.resources.mail-resource.mail/

This command helps verify what host your domain is using to send mail. Even if it’s the correct hostname, you may still need to adjust settings. If all else fails, there are some free SMTP service options available such as Gmail and MailGun. This can be configured from the GlassFish console or the command line.

  1. First, navigate to your Glassfish admin console: http://localhost:4848
  2. From the left-side panel, select JavaMail Sessions
  3. You should see one session named mail/notifyMailSession – click on that.

From this window you can modify certain fields of your Dataverse’s notifyMailSession, which is the JavaMail session for outgoing system email (such as on user signup or data publication). Two of the most important fields we need are:

  • Mail Host: The DNS name of the default mail server (e.g.
  • Default User: The username provided to your Mail Host when you connect to it (e.g.

Most of the other defaults can safely be left as is. Default Sender Address indicates the address that your installation’s emails are sent from.

If your user credentials for the SMTP server require a password, you’ll need to configure some Additional Properties at the bottom.

IMPORTANT: Before continuing, it’s highly recommended that your Default User account does NOT use a password you share with other accounts, as one of the additional properties includes entering the Default User’s password (without concealing it on screen). For you can safely use an app password or create an extra Gmail account for use with your Dataverse dev environment.

Authenticating yourself to a Mail Host can be tricky. As an example, we’ll walk through setting up our JavaMail Session to use as a host by way of SSL on port 465. Use the Add Property button to generate a blank property for each name/value pair.

Name Value
mail.smtp.auth true
mail.smtp.password [user’s (app) password*]
mail.smtp.port 465
mail.smtp.socketFactory.port 465
mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback false

*WARNING: Entering a password here will not conceal it on-screen. It’s recommended to use an app password (for users) or utilize a dedicated/non-personal user account with SMTP server auths so that you do not risk compromising your password.

Save these changes at the top of the page and restart your Glassfish server to try it out.

The mail session can also be set from command line. To use this method, you will need to delete your notifyMailSession and create a new one. See the below example:

  • Delete: asadmin delete-javamail-resource mail/MyMailSession
  • Create (remove brackets and replace the variables inside): asadmin create-javamail-resource --mailhost [] --mailuser [test\@test\.com] --fromaddress [test\@test\.com] --property mail.smtp.auth=[true]:mail.smtp.password=[password]:mail.smtp.port=[465]:mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=[465]:mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback=[false]:mail.smtp.socketFactory.class=[] mail/notifyMailSession

These properties can be tailored to your own preferred mail service, but if all else fails these settings work fine with Dataverse development environments for your localhost.

  • If you’re seeing a “Relay access denied” error in your Glassfish logs when your app attempts to send an email, double check your user/password credentials for the Mail Host you’re using.
  • If you’re seeing a “Connection refused” / similar error upon email sending, try another port.

Rebuilding Your Dev Environment

If you have an old copy of the database and old Solr data and want to start fresh, here are the recommended steps:

  • drop your old database
  • clear out your existing Solr index: scripts/search/clear
  • run the installer script above - it will create the db, deploy the app, populate the db with reference data and run all the scripts that create the domain metadata fields. You no longer need to perform these steps separately.
  • confirm you are using the latest Dataverse-specific Solr schema.xml per the “Installing and Running Solr” section of this guide
  • confirm http://localhost:8080 is up
  • If you want to set some dataset-specific facets, go to the root dataverse (or any dataverse; the selections can be inherited) and click “General Information” and make choices under “Select Facets”. There is a ticket to automate this:

You may also find and related scripts interesting because they demonstrate how we have at least partially automated the process of tearing down a Dataverse installation and having it rise again, hence the name “phoenix.” See also “Fresh Reinstall” in the Installation section of the Installation Guide.

Shibboleth and OAuth

If you are working on anything related to users, please keep in mind that your changes will likely affect Shibboleth and OAuth users. For some background on user accounts in Dataverse, see “Auth Modes: Local vs. Remote vs. Both” in the Configuration section of the Installation Guide.

Rather than setting up Shibboleth on your laptop, developers are advised to simply add a value to their database to enable Shibboleth “dev mode” like this:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DebugShibAccountType -X PUT -d RANDOM

For a list of possible values, please “find usages” on the settings key above and look at the enum.

Now when you go to http://localhost:8080/shib.xhtml you should be prompted to create a Shibboleth account.

OAuth is much more straightforward to get working on your laptop than Shibboleth. GitHub is a good identity provider to test with because you can easily request a Client ID and Client Secret that works against localhost. Follow the instructions in the OAuth Login: ORCID, GitHub, Google section of the installation Guide and use “http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback.xhtml” as the callback URL.

In addition to setting up OAuth on your laptop for real per above, you can also use a dev/debug mode:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DebugOAuthAccountType -X PUT -d RANDOM_EMAIL2

For a list of possible values, please “find usages” on the settings key above and look at the enum.

Now when you go to http://localhost:8080/oauth2/firstLogin.xhtml you should be prompted to create a Shibboleth account.


Geoconnect works as a middle layer, allowing geospatial data files in Dataverse to be visualized with Harvard WorldMap. To set up a Geoconnect development environment, you can follow the steps outlined in the guide. You will need Python and a few other prerequisites.

As mentioned under “Architecture and Components” in the Preparation section of the Installation Guide, Geoconnect is an optional component of Dataverse, so this section is only necessary to follow it you are working on an issue related to this feature.


If you’ve reconfigured from EZID to DataCite and are seeing Response code: 400, [url] domain of URL is not allowed it’s probably because your dataverse.siteUrl JVM option is unset or set to localhost (-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http://localhost:8080). You can try something like this:

asadmin delete-jvm-options '-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://localhost\:8080'

asadmin create-jvm-options '-Ddataverse.siteUrl=http\://'


From the Dataverse perspective, we are in the business of providing a “template” for OpenShift that describes how the various components we build our application on (Glassfish, PostgreSQL, Solr, the Dataverse war file itself, etc.) work together. We publish Docker images to DockerHub at that are used in the OpenShift template.

Dataverse’s (light) use of Docker is documented below in a separate section. We actually started with Docker in the context of OpenShift, which is why OpenShift is listed first.

The OpenShift template for Dataverse can be found at conf/openshift/openshift.json and if you need to hack on the template or related files under conf/docker it is recommended that you iterate on them using Minishift.

Install Minishift

Minishift requires a hypervisor and since we already use VirtualBox for Vagrant, you should install VirtualBox from .

Download the Minishift tarball from and put the minishift binary in /usr/local/bin or somewhere in your $PATH. This assumes Mac or Linux.

At this point, you might want to consider going through the Minishift quickstart to get oriented:

Start Minishift

minishift start --vm-driver=virtualbox

Log in to Minishift

Note that if you just installed Minishift, you are probably logged in already, but it doesn’t hurt to log in again.

oc login --username developer --password=whatever

Use “developer” as the username and a couple characters as the password.

Create a Minishift Project

oc new-project project1

Create a Dataverse App within the Minishift Project

Run this command from inside the vanilla Dataverse application to download images from Docker Hub and use them to create a Dataverse Minishift application. Alternatively, the openshift.json file can be downloaded directly from our github repo.

oc new-app conf/openshift/openshift.json

Check Status of Dataverse Deployment to Minishift

oc status

Once images have been downloaded from Docker Hub, the output below will change from Pulling to Pulled.

oc get events | grep Pull

This is a deep dive:

oc get all

Review Logs of Dataverse Deployment to Minishift

oc logs -c dataverse-plus-glassfish $(oc get po -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.kind=="Pod")' -r | grep -v dataverse-glassfish-1-deploy)

Get a Shell (ssh/rsh) on Glassfish Server Deployed to Minishift

oc rsh $(oc get po -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.kind=="Pod")' -r | grep -v dataverse-glassfish-1-deploy)

From the rsh prompt you could run something like the following to build confidence that Dataverse is running on port 8080:

curl -L localhost:8080

Make the Dataverse App Available Via HTTP

First, check the IP address of your minishift cluster. If this differs from the IP address used below, replace it.

minishift ip

The following curl command is expected to fail until you “expose” the HTTP service. Please note that the IP address may be different.


Expose the Dataverse web service:

oc expose svc/dataverse-glassfish-service

Make Sure the Dataverse API is Working

This should show a version number but please note that the IP address may be different:


Log into Minishift and Visit Dataverse in your Browser

Visit and click or whatever is shows under “Routes External Traffic” (the IP address may be different). This assumes you named your project project1.

You should be able to log in with username “dataverseAdmin” and password “admin”.

Cleaning up

Note that it can take a few minutes for the deletion of a project to be complete and there doesn’t seem to be a great way to know when it’s safe to run oc new-project project1 again, slowing down the development feedback loop. FIXME: Find a way to iterate faster.

oc delete project project1

Making Changes

If you’re interested in using Minishift for development and want to change the Dataverse code, you will need to get set up to create Docker images based on your changes and push them to a Docker registry such as Docker Hub. See the section below on Docker for details.

Runnning Containers to Run as Root in Minishift

It is not recommended to run containers as root in Minishift because for security reasons OpenShift doesn’t support running containers as root. However, it’s good to know how to allow containers to run as root in case you need to work on a Docker image to make it run as non-root.

For more information on improving Docker images to run as non-root, see “Support Arbitrary User IDs” at

Let’s say you have a container that you suspect works fine when it runs as root. You want to see it working as-is before you start hacking on the Dockerfile and entrypoint file. You can configure Minishift to allow containers to run as root with this command:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default --as system:admin

Once you are done testing you can revert Minishift back to not allowing containers to run as root with this command:

oc adm policy remove-scc-from-user anyuid -z default --as system:admin


From the Dataverse perspective, Docker is important for a few reasons:

  • We are thankful that NDS Labs did the initial work to containerize Dataverse and include it in the “workbench” we mention in the Preparation section of the Installation Guide. The workbench allows people to kick the tires on Dataverse.
  • There is interest from the community in running Dataverse on OpenShift and some initial work has been done to get Dataverse running on Minishift in Docker containers. Minishift makes use of Docker images on Docker Hub. To build new Docker images and push them to Docker Hub, you’ll need to install Docker.
  • Docker may aid in testing efforts if we can easily spin up Docker images based on code in pull requests and run the full integration suite against those images. See the Testing section for more information on integration tests.

Installing Docker

On Linux, you can probably get Docker from your package manager.

On Mac, download the .dmg from and install it. As of this writing is it known as Docker Community Edition for Mac.

On Windows, FIXME (“Docker Community Edition for Windows” maybe???).

As explained above, we use Docker images in two different contexts:

  • Testing using an “all in one” Docker image (ephemeral, unpublished)
  • Future production use on Minishift/OpenShift/Kubernetes (published to Docker Hub)

All In One Docker Images for Testing

The “all in one” Docker files are in conf/docker-aio and you should follow the readme in that directory for more information on how to use them.

Future production use on Minishift/OpenShift/Kubernetes

When working with Docker in the context of Minishift, follow the instructions above and make sure you get the Dataverse Docker images running in Minishift before you start messing with them.

As of this writing, the Dataverse Docker images we publish under are highly experimental. They’re tagged with branch names like kick-the-tires rather than release numbers.

Change to the docker directory:

cd conf/docker

Edit one of the files:

vim dataverse-glassfish/Dockerfile

At this point you want to build the image and run it. We are assuming you want to run it in your Minishift environment. We will be building your image and pushing it to Docker Hub. Then you will be pulling the image down from Docker Hub to run in your Minishift installation. If this sounds inefficient, you’re right, but we haven’t been able to figure out how to make use of Minishift’s built in registry (see below) so we’re pushing to Docker Hub instead.

Log in to Docker Hub with an account that has access to push to the iqss organization:

docker login

(If you don’t have access to push to the iqss organization, you can push elsewhere and adjust your openshift.json file accordingly.)

Build and push the images to Docker Hub:


Note that you will see output such as digest: sha256:213b6380e6ee92607db5d02c9e88d7591d81f4b6d713224d47003d5807b93d4b that should later be reflected in Minishift to indicate that you are using the latest image you just pushed to Docker Hub.

You can get a list of all repos under the iqss organization with this:


To see a specific repo:


Known Issues with Dataverse Images on Docker Hub

Again, Dataverse Docker images on Docker Hub are highly experimental at this point. As of this writing, their purpose is primarily for kicking the tires on Dataverse. Here are some known issues:

  • The Dataverse installer is run in the entrypoint script every time you run the image. Ideally, Dataverse would be installed in the Dockerfile instead. Dataverse is being installed in the entrypoint script because it needs PosgreSQL to be up already so that database tables can be created when the war file is deployed.
  • The Docker images have to be run as root. See the discussion above.
  • The storage should be abstracted. Storage of data files and PostgreSQL data. Probably Solr data.
  • Better tuning of memory by examining /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes and incorporating this into the Dataverse installation script.
  • Only a single Glassfish server can be used. See “Dedicated timer server in a Dataverse server cluster” in the Dataverse Application Timers section of the Installation Guide.
  • Only a single PostgreSQL server can be used.
  • Only a single Solr server can be used.

Get Set Up to Push Docker Images to Minishift Registry

FIXME indicates that it should be possible to make use of the builtin registry in Minishift while iterating on Docker images but you may get “unauthorized: authentication required” when trying to push to it as reported at so until we figure this out, you must push to Docker Hub instead. Run docker login and use the conf/docker/ script to push Docker images you create to

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