External Tools

External tools can provide additional features that are not part of Dataverse itself, such as data exploration. See the “Writing Your Own External Tool” section below for more information on developing your own tool for Dataverse.

Inventory of External Tools

Support for external tools is just getting off the ground but TwoRavens has been converted into an external tool. See the TwoRavens: Tabular Data Exploration section of the User Guide for more information on TwoRavens from the user perspective and TwoRavens for more information on installing TwoRavens.

  • TwoRavens: a system of interlocking statistical tools for data exploration, analysis, and meta-analysis: http://2ra.vn
  • Data Explorer: a GUI which lists the variables in a tabular data file allowing searching, charting and cross tabulation analysis. For installation instructions see the README.md file at https://github.com/scholarsportal/Dataverse-Data-Explorer.
  • [Your tool here! Please get in touch! :) ]

Downloading and Adjusting an External Tool Manifest File

In order to make external tools available within Dataverse, you need to configure Dataverse to be aware of them.

External tools must be expressed in an external tool manifest file, a specific JSON format Dataverse requires. The author of the external tool may be able to provide you with a JSON file and installation instructions. The JSON file might look like this:

  "displayName": "Awesome Tool",
  "description": "The most awesome tool.",
  "type": "explore",
  "toolUrl": "https://awesometool.com",
  "toolParameters": {
    "queryParameters": [
        "fileid": "{fileId}"
        "key": "{apiToken}"

type is required and must be explore or configure to make the tool appear under a button called “Explore” or “Configure”, respectively. Currently external tools only operate on tabular files that have been successfully ingested. (For more on ingest, see the Tabular Data, Representation, Storage and Ingest of the User Guide.)

In the example above, a mix of required and optional reserved words appear that can be used to insert dynamic values into tools. The supported values are:

  • {fileId} (required) - The Dataverse database ID of a file the external tool has been launched on.
  • {siteUrl} (optional) - The URL of the Dataverse installation that hosts the file with the fileId above.
  • {apiToken} (optional) - The Dataverse API token of the user launching the external tool, if available.

Making an External Tool Available in Dataverse

If the JSON file were called, for example, awesomeTool.json you would make any necessary adjustments, as described above, and then make the tool available within Dataverse with the following curl command:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --upload-file awesomeTool.json http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools

Listing all External Tools in Dataverse

To list all the external tools that are available in Dataverse:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools

Removing an External Tool Available in Dataverse

Assuming the external tool database id is “1”, remove it with the following command:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/externalTools/1

Writing Your Own External Tool

If you have an idea for an external tool, please let the Dataverse community know by posting about it on the dataverse-community mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dataverse-community

If you need help with your tool, please feel free to post on the dataverse-dev mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dataverse-dev

Once you’ve gotten your tool working, please make a pull request to update the list of tools above.