Managing Datasets and Dataverses


Move a Dataverse

Moves a dataverse whose id is passed to a new dataverse whose id is passed. The dataverse alias also may be used instead of the id. If the moved dataverse has a guestbook, template, metadata block, link, or featured dataverse that is not compatible with the destination dataverse, you will be informed and given the option to force the move and remove the association. Only accessible to superusers.

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id/move/$destination-id


Move a Dataset

Moves a dataset whose id is passed to a dataverse whose alias is passed. If the moved dataset has a guestbook or a dataverse link that is not compatible with the destination dataverse, you will be informed and given the option to force the move and remove the guestbook or link. Only accessible to superusers.

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/move/$alias

Mint new PID for a Dataset

Mints a new identifier for a dataset previously registered with a handle. Only accessible to superusers.

curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST http://$SERVER/api/admin/$dataset-id/reregisterHDLToPID