Installation Guide¶
- Introduction
- Preparation
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Configuration
- Securing Your Installation
- Network Ports
- Root Dataverse Collection Permissions
- Persistent Identifiers and Publishing Datasets
- Auth Modes: Local vs. Remote vs. Both
- File Storage: Using a Local Filesystem and/or Swift and/or S3 object stores
- Branding Your Installation
- Internationalization
- Adding Multiple Languages to the Dropdown in the Header
- Allowing the Language Used for Dataset Metadata to be Specified
- Configuring the “lang” Directory
- Creating a File
- Load the file into your Dataverse Installation
- How to Help Translate the Dataverse Software Into Your Language
- Web Analytics Code
- BagIt Export
- Going Live: Launching Your Production Deployment
- JVM Options
- dataverse.fqdn
- dataverse.siteUrl
- dataverse.auth.password-reset-timeout-in-minutes
- dataverse.db.user
- dataverse.db.password
- dataverse.db.port
- dataverse.rserve.port
- dataverse.rserve.user
- dataverse.rserve.tempdir
- dataverse.rserve.password
- dataverse.dropbox.key
- dataverse.path.imagemagick.convert
- dataverse.dataAccess.thumbnail.image.limit
- dataverse.dataAccess.thumbnail.pdf.limit
- doi.baseurlstring
- doi.dataciterestapiurlstring
- doi.username
- doi.password
- dataverse.handlenet.admcredfile
- dataverse.handlenet.admprivphrase
- dataverse.handlenet.index
- dataverse.timerServer
- dataverse.files.hide-schema-dot-org-download-urls
- dataverse.useripaddresssourceheader
- Application Server Settings
- Database Settings
- :BlockedApiPolicy
- :BlockedApiEndpoints
- :BlockedApiKey
- BuiltinUsers.KEY
- :SearchApiRequiresToken
- :SystemEmail
- :HomePageCustomizationFile
- :LogoCustomizationFile
- :HeaderCustomizationFile
- :DisableRootDataverseTheme
- :FooterCustomizationFile
- :StyleCustomizationFile
- :WebAnalyticsCode
- :FooterCopyright
- :DoiProvider
- :Protocol
- :Authority
- :Shoulder
- :IdentifierGenerationStyle
- :DataFilePIDFormat
- :FilePIDsEnabled
- :IndependentHandleService
- :HandleAuthHandle
- :FileValidationOnPublishEnabled
- :ApplicationTermsOfUse
- :ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl
- :ApiTermsOfUse
- :ExcludeEmailFromExport
- :NavbarAboutUrl
- :NavbarGuidesUrl
- :GuidesBaseUrl
- :GuidesVersion
- :NavbarSupportUrl
- :MetricsUrl
- :MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes
- :ZipDownloadLimit
- :TabularIngestSizeLimit
- :ZipUploadFilesLimit
- :SolrHostColonPort
- :SolrFullTextIndexing
- :SolrMaxFileSizeForFullTextIndexing
- :SignUpUrl
- :LoginSessionTimeout
- :TwoRavensUrl
- :TwoRavensTabularView
- :DatasetPublishPopupCustomText
- :DatasetPublishPopupCustomTextOnAllVersions
- :SearchHighlightFragmentSize
- :ScrubMigrationData
- :MinutesUntilConfirmEmailTokenExpires
- :DefaultAuthProvider
- :AllowSignUp
- :FileFixityChecksumAlgorithm
- :PVMinLength
- :PVMaxLength
- :PVNumberOfConsecutiveDigitsAllowed
- :PVCharacterRules
- :PVNumberOfCharacteristics
- :PVDictionaries
- :PVGoodStrength
- :PVCustomPasswordResetAlertMessage
- :ShibPassiveLoginEnabled
- :ShibAffiliationAttribute
- :ShibAttributeCharacterSetConversionEnabled
- :ComputeBaseUrl
- :CloudEnvironmentName
- :PublicInstall
- :DataCaptureModuleUrl
- :RepositoryStorageAbstractionLayerUrl
- :UploadMethods
- :DownloadMethods
- :GuestbookResponsesPageDisplayLimit
- :CustomDatasetSummaryFields
- :AllowApiTokenLookupViaApi
- :ProvCollectionEnabled
- :MetricsCacheTimeoutMinutes
- :MDCLogPath
- :DisplayMDCMetrics
- :Languages
- :MetadataLanguages
- :InheritParentRoleAssignments
- :AllowCors
- :ChronologicalDateFacets
- :CustomZipDownloadServiceUrl
- :ArchiverClassName
- :ArchiverSettings
- :DuraCloudHost
- :DuraCloudPort
- :DuraCloudContext
- :BagItLocalPath
- :GoogleCloudBucket
- :GoogleCloudProject
- :InstallationName
- :ExportInstallationAsDistributorOnlyWhenNotSet
- :AnonymizedFieldTypeNames
- :DatasetChecksumValidationSizeLimit
- :DataFileChecksumValidationSizeLimit
- :SendNotificationOnDatasetCreation
- :CVocConf
- :AllowedCurationLabels
- Upgrading
- TwoRavens
- Shibboleth
- Introduction
- Installation
- Configure Payara
- Configure Apache
- Configure Shibboleth
- Disable or Reconfigure SELinux
- Restart Apache and Shibboleth
- Configure Apache and shibd to Start at Boot
- Verify DiscoFeed and Metadata URLs
- Add the Shibboleth Authentication Provider to Your Dataverse Installation
- Exchange Metadata with Your Identity Provider
- Backup sp-cert.pem and sp-key.pem Files
- Debugging
- Converting Accounts
- Institution-Wide Shibboleth Groups
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- OAuth Login Options
- OpenID Connect Login Options
- External Tools
- Advanced Installation