Metrics API


CORS The Metrics API can be used from scripts running in web browsers, as it allows cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).


For all metrics besides Past Days Count (/pastDays/$days), Database setting MetricsCacheTimeoutMinutes defines how long the cached value will be returned by subsequent queries.


Returns a count of various objects in dataverse over all-time:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl


Returns a count of various objects in dataverse up to a specified month $YYYY-DD in YYYY-MM format (e.g. 2018-01):

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/toMonth/$YYYY-DD

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl

Past Days

Returns a count of various objects in dataverse for the past $days (e.g. 30):

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/$type/pastDays/$days

$type can be set to dataverses, datasets, files or downloads.

Example: curl

Dataverse Specific Metrics

By Subject

Returns the number of dataverses by each subject:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/bySubject

By Category

Returns the number of dataverses by each category:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/dataverses/byCategory

Dataset Specific Metrics

By Subject

Returns the number of datasets by each subject:

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/datasets/bySubject

By Subject, and to Month

Returns the number of datasets by each subject, and up to a specified month $YYYY-DD in YYYY-MM format (e.g. 2018-01):

GET https://$SERVER/api/info/metrics/datasets/bySubject/toMonth/$YYYY-DD

Example: curl

Metric Query Parameters

To further tailor your metric, query parameters can be provided.


Specifies whether the metric should query local data, remote data (e.g. harvested), or all data when getting results. Only works for dataset metrics.

Example: curl