Dataset Curation Label API

When the :AllowedCurationLabels setting has been used to define Curation Labels, this API can be used to set these labels on draft datasets. Superusers can define which set of labels are allowed for a given datasets in a collection/an individual dataset using the api described in the Managing Datasets and Dataverse Collections section. The API here can be used by curators/those who have permission to publish the dataset to get/set/change/delete the label currently assigned to a draft dataset.

This functionality is intended as a mechanism to integrate the Dataverse software with an external curation process/application: it is a way to make the state of a draft dataset, as defined in the external process, visible within Dataverse. These labels have no other effect in Dataverse and are only visible to curators/those with permission to publish the dataset. Any curation label assigned to a draft dataset will be removed upon publication.

Get a Draft Dataset’s Curation Label

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export SERVER_URL=

Example 1: Get the label using the DATASET ID

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/$DATASET_ID/curationStatus"

Example 2: Get the label using the DATASET PID

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/curationStatus?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response and the draft dataset’s curation status label contained in a JSON ‘data’ object.

Set a Draft Dataset’s Curation Label

To add a curation label for a draft Dataset, specify the Dataset ID (DATASET_ID) or Persistent identifier (DATASET_PID) and the label desired.

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export LABEL='Author contacted'
export SERVER_URL=

Example: Add the label using the DATASET ID

  curl -X PUT -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/$DATASET_ID/curationStatus?label=$LABEL"

Example 2: Add a description using the DATASET PID

  curl -X PUT -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/curationStatus?label=$LABEL&persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response indicating that the label has been set. 403/Forbidden and 400/Bad Request responses are also possible, i.e. if you don’t have permission to make this change or are trying to add a label that isn’t in the allowed set or to add a label to a dataset with no draft version.

Delete a Draft Dataset’s Curation Label

To delete the curation label on a draft Dataset, specify the Dataset ID (DATASET_ID) or Persistent identifier (DATASET_PID).

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export SERVER_URL=

Example: Delete the label using the DATASET PID

  curl -X DELETE -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/curationStatus?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response indicating the label has been removed.

Get the Set of Allowed Labels for a Dataset

To get the list of allowed curation labels allowed for a given Dataset

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export SERVER_URL=

Example 1: Get the label using the DATASET ID

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/$DATASET_ID/allowedCurationLabels"

Example 2: Get the label using the DATASET PID

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/allowedCurationLabels?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response with a comma-separated list of allowed labels contained in a JSON ‘data’ object.

Get a Report on the Curation Status of All Datasets

To get a CSV file listing the curation label assigned to each Dataset with a draft version, along with the creation and last modification dates, and list of those with permissions to publish the version.

This API call is restricted to superusers.

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export SERVER_URL=

Example: Get the report

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/listCurationStates"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response with a CSV formatted response.