Dataset Semantic Metadata API

The OAI_ORE metadata export format represents Dataset metadata using json-ld (see the Metadata Export section). As part of an RDA-supported effort to allow import of Datasets exported as Bags with an included OAI_ORE metadata file, an experimental API has been created that provides a json-ld alternative to the v1.0 API calls to get/set/delete Dataset metadata in the Native API.

You may prefer to work with this API if you are building a tool to import from a Bag/OAI-ORE source or already work with json-ld representations of metadata, or if you prefer the flatter json-ld representation to Dataverse software’s json representation (which includes structure related to the metadata blocks involved and the type/multiplicity of the metadata fields.) You may not want to use this API if you need stability and backward compatibility (the ‘experimental’ designation for this API implies that community feedback is desired and that, in future Dataverse software versions, the API may be modified based on that feedback).

Note: The examples use the ‘application/ld+json’ mimetype. For compatibility reasons, the APIs also be used with mimetype “application/json-ld”

Get Dataset Metadata

To get the json-ld formatted metadata for a Dataset, specify the Dataset ID (DATASET_ID) or Persistent identifier (DATASET_PID), and, for specific versions, the version number.

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export VERSION='1.0'
export SERVER_URL=

Example 1: Get metadata for version '1.0'

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Accept: application/ld+json' "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/$DATASET_ID/versions/$VERSION/metadata"

Example 2: Get metadata for the latest version using the DATASET PID

  curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Accept: application/ld+json' "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/metadata?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response and JSON-LD mirroring the OAI-ORE representation in the returned ‘data’ object.

Add Dataset Metadata

To add json-ld formatted metadata for a Dataset, specify the Dataset ID (DATASET_ID) or Persistent identifier (DATASET_PID). Adding ‘?replace=true’ will overwrite an existing metadata value. The default (replace=false) will only add new metadata or add a new value to a multi-valued field.

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export VERSION='1.0'
export SERVER_URL=

Example: Change the Dataset title

  curl -X PUT -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -d '{"title": "Submit menu test", "@context":{"title": ""}}' "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/$DATASET_ID/metadata?replace=true"

Example 2: Add a description using the DATASET PID

  curl -X PUT -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -d '{"citation:dsDescription": {"citation:dsDescriptionValue": "New description"}, "@context":{"citation": ""}}' "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/metadata?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response indicating whether a draft Dataset version was created or an existing draft was updated.

Delete Dataset Metadata

To delete metadata for a Dataset, send a json-ld representation of the fields to delete and specify the Dataset ID (DATASET_ID) or Persistent identifier (DATASET_PID).

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export DATASET_ID='12345'
export DATASET_PID='doi:10.5072/FK2A1B2C3'
export VERSION='1.0'
export SERVER_URL=

Example: Delete the TermsOfUseAndAccess 'restrictions' value 'No restrictions' for the latest version using the DATASET PID

  curl -X PUT -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -d '{"":"No restrictions"}' "$SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/metadata/delete?persistentId=$DATASET_PID"

Note, this example uses the term URI directly rather than adding an @context element. You can use either form in any of these API calls.

You should expect a 200 (“OK”) response indicating whether a draft Dataset version was created or an existing draft was updated.

Create a Dataset

Specifying the Content-Type as application/ld+json with the existing /api/dataverses/{id}/datasets API call (see Create a Dataset in a Dataverse Collection) supports using the same metadata format when creating a Dataset.

With curl, this is done by adding the following header:

-H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json'

.. code-block:: bash

export API_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
export SERVER_URL=
export DATAVERSE_ID=root

curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/dataverses/$DATAVERSE_ID/datasets --upload-file dataset-create.jsonld

An example jsonld file is available at dataset-create.jsonld (dataset-create_en.jsonld is a version that sets the metadata language (see :MetadataLanguages) to English (en).)

Create a Dataset with a Dataset Type

By default, datasets are given the type “dataset” but if your installation had added additional types (see Add Dataset Type), you can specify the type.

An example JSON-LD file is available at dataset-create-software.jsonld.

You can use this file with the normal Create a Dataset endpoint above.

See also Dataset Types.