
Welcome! The Dataverse Project is an open source project that loves contributors!

Intended Audience

This guide is intended primarily for developers who want to work on the main Dataverse codebase at but see the Contributing Code section of the Contributor Guide for other code you can work on!

To get started, you’ll want to set up your Development Environment and make sure you understand the branching strategy described in the Version Control section and how to make a pull request. Testing is expected. Opinions about Coding Style are welcome!

Getting Help

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to other developers via, the dataverse-dev mailing list, the dataverse-community mailing list, or community calls.

Core Technologies

Dataverse is a Jakarta EE application that is compiled into a WAR file and deployed to an application server (app server) which is configured to work with a relational database (PostgreSQL) and a search engine (Solr).

We make use of a variety of Jakarta EE technologies such as JPA, JAX-RS, JMS, and JSF. In addition, we use parts of Eclipse MicroProfile such as MicroProfile Config.

The frontend is built using PrimeFaces and Bootstrap. A new frontend is being built using React at


For the roadmap, please see

Kanban Board

You can get a sense of what’s currently in flight (in dev, in QA, etc.) by looking at

Issue Tracker

The main issue tracker is but note that individual projects have their own issue trackers.