
Welcome! Thanks for installing The Dataverse Project!

Intended Audience

This guide is intended primarily for sysadmins who are installing, configuring, and upgrading a Dataverse installation.

Sysadmins are expected to be comfortable using standard Linux commands, issuing curl commands, and running SQL scripts.

Getting Help

To get help installing or configuring a Dataverse installation, please try one or more of:

Information to Send to Support When Installation Fails

If you’ve encountered a problem installing Dataverse and are ready to ask for help, please consider sending along the following information so that the Dataverse team and community can more easily assist you.

  • Version of Dataverse you are trying to install.

  • Operating system (usually a Linux distribution) and version.

  • Output from the installer (STDOUT, STDERR).

  • The scripts/api/setup-all.*.log files left behind by the installer.

  • The server.log file from Payara (by default at /usr/local/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log).

Improving this Guide

If you spot a typo in this guide or would like to suggest an improvement, please find the appropriate file in and send a pull request as explained in the Writing Documentation section of the Contributor Guide. You are also welcome to simply open an issue at to describe the problem with this guide.

Next is the Preparation section.