Test Automation


Jenkins is our primary tool for knowing if our API tests are passing. (Unit tests are executed locally by developers.)

You can find our Jenkins installation at https://jenkins.dataverse.org.

Please note that while it has been open to the public in the past, it is currently firewalled off. We can poke a hole in the firewall for your IP address if necessary. Please get in touch. (You might also be interested in https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/9916 which is about restoring the ability of contributors to see if their pull requests are passing API tests or not.)

Jenkins Jobs

Jenkins is organized into jobs. We’ll highlight a few.


https://jenkins.dataverse.org/job/IQSS-dataverse-develop, which we will refer to as the “develop” job, runs after pull requests are merged. It is crucial that this job stays green (passing) because we always want to stay in a “release ready” state. If you notice that this job is failing, make noise about it!

You can access this job from the README at https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse.


https://jenkins.dataverse.org/job/IQSS-Dataverse-Develop-PR/ can be thought of as “PR jobs”. It’s a collection of jobs run on pull requests. Typically, you will navigate directly into the job (and it’s particular build number) from a pull request. For example, from https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/pull/10044, look for a check called “continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge”. Clicking it will bring you to a particular build like https://jenkins.dataverse.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/IQSS-Dataverse-Develop-PR/detail/PR-10044/10/pipeline (build #10).


https://jenkins.dataverse.org/job/guides.dataverse.org/ is what we use to build guides. See Build the Guides for the Release in the Developer Guide for how this job is used at release time.

Checking if API Tests are Passing on Jenkins

If API tests are failing, you should not merge the pull request.

How can you know if API tests are passing? Here are the steps, by way of example.

Diagnosing Failures on Jenkins

API test failures can have multiple causes. As described above, from the “Test Result” page, you might see the failure under “All Failed Tests”. However, the test could have failed because of some underlying system issue.

If you have determined that the API tests have not run at all, your next step should be to click on “Console Output”. For example, https://jenkins.dataverse.org/job/IQSS-Dataverse-Develop-PR/job/PR-10109/26/console. Click “Full log” to see the full log in the browser or navigate to https://jenkins.dataverse.org/job/IQSS-Dataverse-Develop-PR/job/PR-10109/26/consoleText (for example) to get a plain text version.

Go to the end of the log and then scroll up, looking for the failure. A failed Ansible task can look like this:

TASK [dataverse : download payara zip] *****************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "dest": "/tmp/payara.zip", "elapsed": 10, "msg": "Request failed: <urlopen error timed out>", "url": "https://nexus.payara.fish/repository/payara-community/fish/payara/distributions/payara/6.2025.2/payara-6.2025.2.zip"}

In the example above, if Payara can’t be downloaded, we’re obviously going to have problems deploying Dataverse to it!

GitHub Actions

We also use GitHub Actions. See https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/tree/develop/.github/workflows for a list of actions.